Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sellers Note Stagging Techniques

Stagging, in this market it is a must. It is an extremely competitive market and if your not the best looking house on the block chances are the other that is will sell first. I have read numerous articles on stagging but just published one that I thought was interesting. If you are selling you should take a look.

· Stellar Staging Tips
Ask the sellers to clear out their closets and their clutter. Encourage them to hold a yard sale or donate unwanted household goods to charity.

· Encourage the sellers to pack up extra toys, linens, small kitchen appliances, and the like and store them offsite or in the garage.

· Be sure the trees are trimmed, the shrubs are pruned, and the lawn is mowed and watered regularly. Turn on the sprinklers for five minutes 30 minutes before the open house. It makes the lawn and driveway sparkle.

· Ask the sellers to refrain from cooking anything that leaves a distinctive odor (fish, garlic, cabbage) and from introducing any other unappealing odors into the home.

· Ask the sellers to have a professional service clean the home, including the carpets and the windows.

· Set the dining room table with attractive linens, dishes, and stemware.

· Ask the sellers’ permission to serve cookies and coffee; people will linger longer. But be sure to clean up any mess after the open house.

· Arrange fresh flowers throughout the home and have a fire in the fireplace in fall and winter.

· Add extra lamps in dark rooms or dark corners, and turn on the lights when you show the home to prospective buyers.

Pulished in